在任何一天, 从任何角度看, you’ll notice something different—和 something special—in the City by the Bay. 一切都从贝博体彩app开始.
你可能认为你对贝博体彩app了如指掌, 但你没见过的东西太多了, 听到, 尝过, 或有经验. 所以现在是最好的时机 计划行程.
No matter what type of traveler you are, you’ll find yourself right at home here. 从我们喜爱的图标,如 缆车 和 涂女士 走向新潮流 餐厅 和轰动 事件在美国,贝博体彩app有适合每个人的东西.
Discover how you can create an unforgettable experience in the most fascinating 49 square miles on the planet.
贝博体彩app is a city of neighborhoods, each with its own distinct flavor 和 charm. 在地图上选择一个社区来了解更多.
If there's one part of town that visitors — both first-timers 和 many-timers — equate with 贝博体彩app, 这是渔人码头.
SoMa / Yerba Buena
20世纪70年代,工业搬走了,艺术家搬进来了. Now, SoMa has so much to experience, including the country's most beautiful ballpark.
古老的意大利, 新政, memories of Kerouac 和 the Beats 和 echoes of the waterfront Bohemianism meet of-the-moment eateries in 北海滩.
Those little 缆车 that climb halfway to the stars in Tony Bennett’s “I Left My Heart 在贝博体彩app’’ are climbing 头山, 贝博体彩app历史悠久的标志性街区.
Embarcadero /金融区
从公海的船长到工业的船长, the Embarcadero has often been where people first began their 贝博体彩app journey.
This central city district encompasses everything from stately concert halls 和 museums to animated 餐厅 和 wide-open public plazas just west of Downtown.
码头的精品店和餐馆吸引着时髦的人, 年轻人群, while the views 和 stately homes of Pacific Heights take your breath away.
宝塔式建筑, 华丽的灯柱, 异国情调的菜单和其他独特的元素, a stop here can feel more like a trip abroad than a neighborhood stroll.
The 任务的区 is one of 贝博体彩app’s most of-the-moment neighborhoods, 到处都是引领潮流的精品店, 餐厅, 和更多的. 其他社区:Dogpatch, Potrero Hill
不管你的性取向如何, no trip to 贝博体彩app is complete without a visit to the world-famous Castro District, 全国最早的同性恋社区之一.
Start your Summer of Love experience on the corner of Haight 和 Ashbury streets, 20世纪60年代的花卉力量在哪里开花.
Within 金门公园, you'll find lakes, gardens, museums, golf courses 和 a herd of bison. 日落酒店提供动物园、太平洋美景和美味佳肴.
金门大桥的南锚, 青翠的, 风景优美的要塞, 巧妙地回收了Crissy Field, 和 the Civil War-era Fort Point are just a few of the attractions in the northwest corner of town.
一个充满可能性和希望的里程碑. 它是前瞻性思想家、变革者和反传统者的灯塔. 那是贝博体彩app. 这就是文化、无畏和创新碰撞的地方. 一切都从这里开始.
Tony Bennett isn’t the only one who left his heart 在贝博体彩app. Travel with your special someone 和 experience the cool, gray city of love. From decadent dinners to breathtaking sights, there’s plenty here to light a spark.
贝博体彩app is surrounded by some of the best farml和 和 vineyards in the nation. 无论你选择在哪里吃喝, you’ll be served the freshest ingredients from a diverse community of culinary creators who have put their 餐厅—和 our city—on the map. From contemporary Asian fusion at Anzu to classic burritos in the Mission or high-end Michelin-starred cuisine, 在贝博体彩app你永远吃不完美味的食物.
Exploring 贝博体彩app with your best friends is a guaranteed way to make lasting memories. 超越基本的生活,像当地人一样生活几天. 了解贝博体彩app的方方面面,不是每个人都能看到的.
Out 和 Proud在贝博体彩app
在贝博体彩app,人人都是受欢迎的. The city that practically invented gay remains a haven for anyone looking to express their authentic selves 和 find community.
很少有城市像贝博体彩app那样鼓舞人心. 想想我们令人难以置信的本土作家名单吧, 诗人, 电影制作人, 音乐家, 和 performers—to say nothing of the many who flocked here to join the scene.
贝博体彩app是孩子们的理想目的地——孩子们的心. You’ll find attractions 和 activities to captivate all ages, from toddlers to teens. 最重要的是,你可以很容易地享受城市最好的预算.